LODALITEPT1-Lodalite 1 inch point. $8.00.
TIGEREYESKULL1-Tiger Eye skull 1 inch. $12.50
BLDSTONSKUL112-Bloodstone skull 1 1/2 inch. $12.00
SKULHOWLITE112- 1 1/2 inch howlite skull. $12.00
FLUORITEHEX34-Green fluorite 3/4 inch hex octahedron. Was $5.50 SALE $4.50
SKULLAMETHY112-Amethyst 1 1/2 inch skull. $12.50
LODALITEPT112-Lodalite 1 1/2 inch tower. $19.00.
LEPIDOLIPYR112-Lepidolite pyramid 1 1/2 inch. $15.00
SKULLUNAKIT112-Unakite skull 1 1/2 inch. $14.00
CHRYSOCOLLA114-Chrysocolla 1 1/4 inch stone. $6.50
MAHOBSIDCAT212-Mohogany obsidian 2 1/2 inch cat. $22.00
RAINBOWFLUR112-Rainbow fluorite 1 1/2 inch tumbled stone. $10.50
BLUCELESTITECRY2-Blue celestite crystal 2 inch. $9.50
AMETHYSTDRUZ112-Amethyst druzy 1 1/2 inch. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
OBCROWSKUL212-Obsidian crow on skull 2 1/2 inch. $32.00
OBSIDIANBAT3-Obsidian 3 inch bat. $24.00
skulgnmosag112- 1 1/2 moss agate skull. $12.00
guplabb-Labradorite polished one side stone. $7.00-10.00
gogar-2 1/2 inch garnet obelisk. $16.00.
167bo- Black obsidian gemstone carved moth. $18.00
PUMPKINHATG1-Goldstone pumpkin jack o lantern in hat 1 inch. $12.00
SKULLRHODENITE2-Rhodenite skull 2 inch. $18.00
TURKJADRAGN11-Turkiyenite jade dragon 1 inch. $10.50
FLUORFATCAT114-Purple Fluorite Fat Cat 1 1/4 inch. $12.00
AMETHPYALMST212-Amethyst palm stone 2 1/2 inch. $20.00.
FLUORITETWR2-Fluorite tower/obelisk 2 inch. $12.00
BLUCALCITDRUZ-Blue calcite druzy. $15.00
CHRYSOCOLLA118-Chrysocolla 1 1/8 inch stone. $6.50
129-Gemstone merkaba. $5.00.
127- Tiny gemstone mushroom. Approx. 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Assorted gemstones available in pull down menu. $3.50-4.00 each
TEKTITE158-Black tektite 1 5/8 inch stone specimen. Was $11.50 SALE $9.50
ZEOLITE134-Zeolite cluster 1 3/4 inch specimen. Was $14.00 SALE $11.50 Zeolites minerals contain mainly aluminum and silicon compounds, are used in water and air purifiers, can release toxins, help alleviate addiction and fatigue, brain fog, protect the crown chakra.
BLUELACEAGATE114-Blue lace agate 1 1/4 inch specimen. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50
BLUELACEAGATE118-Blue lace agate wide 1 1/4 inch specimen. Was $15.00 SALE $12.00
FLAMEAGATE112-Blue flame agate l 1/2 inch specimen. Was $15.00 SALE $12.00 Known as the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, this stone carries a great mystery locked inside its deep brown crystal. You need only touch the stone and fiery embers ignite. Peer into its depths and flames leap within its chambers. ... Fire Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. Use in spiritual healing and growth, to creatively express your personal truths with freedom and confidence.Also builds close relationships with your spirit guides and guardian angels.
gtcitb -Tumbled citrine specimen. Was $1.00 - $6.00 SALE $0.75-$4.75
ELESTIALQUARTZ-Elestial quartz 1 1/2 inch specimen.Was $19.00 SALE $15.50 Chakra:All Chakras
A gemstone that amplifies inner-body energy, these crystals carry a frequency that structures and regulates energy, allowing access to a higher frequency energy. It is an excellent tool for meditation and accessing information or guidance, grounding and protection
GUAMED-Amethyst untumbled rough specimen. Was $0.75 - $9.00 SALE $0.25-$7.50
FOSSILTURITELA-Rough fossil turritella 1 1/2 inch. Was $10.00 SALE $8.00 A spiritual crystal, deeply connected to the earth and home, to one's personal roots and ancestry, events of one's past, of survival, strength and protection. Ancient life held within its form lends the power of wisdom and healing.
rabbitobsidn112- 1 1/2 inch obsidian rabbit. $9.00
andraditegarnet118-Rough anhydrite garnet 1 1/8 inch. Was $11.00 SALE $9.00 Represents love, revitalises feelings, enhances sexuality, brings warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty. A spiritual stone of higher thinking and self-empowerment, strength, safety, abundance, prosperity
135-2 1/4 inch gemstone obelisk. $13.50-15.50.
skulobsidn112- 1 1/2 inch obsidian skull. $12.50
FUSCHITE158-Fuschite 1 5/8 inch specimen. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50
geode112-Geode 1 1/2 inch. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 The energy and the inner connection that the geode creates, help calm the mind, and relax the spirit and is excellent for healing.
geode312-Geode 3 1/2 inch. Was $16.50 SALE $13.50
MALACHITE1IN-Malachite rough 1 inch specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50 Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation, intention. It absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface, clears and activates all Chakras, particularly the Heart and Throat Chakras. Malachite amplifies energies of all kinds, positive and negative.An extremely powerful metaphysical stone, Malachite is called the stone of transformation and used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation
bkkyanitefan2-Black kyanite fan. Was $6.00-7.00 SALE $5.50
BKYANITEFAN112-Black kyanite fan 1 1/2 in. Was $6.00 SALE $4.75
PYRITE34IN-Rough pyrite 3/4 inch specimen. Was $5.00 SALE $4.00 It connects to the third eye, crown, and upper transpersonal chakras, stimulating and energizing.Sheilds the wearer from negative energy, promotes good health, wealth and good luck, while stimulating the second and third chakras
AMBERBOTTLE234-Bottle filled with raw amber 2 3/4 inches. Was $12.00 SALE $10.00
RUBYCORUNDUM-1 inch rough ruby stone specimen. Was $14.00 SALE $11.50 Chakra: Base, or Root. HIstorically the ruby has represented nobility, purity and passion, it can clear confusion and increase focus, making its wearer sharp, alert, and agile. A powerful stone to shield against negative energy, psychic attack
CHRYSOCOLLA1-Chrysocolla 1 inch stone. $6.50
AMBERMEXICO112-1 inch rough amber specimen, fossilized tree resin from Neolithic times from Mexico. A powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit. Was $15.00 SALE 12.00
LEPIDOLITE34- Lepidolite 3/4 inch cluster specimen. Was $5.00 SALE $4.00 Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganisation of old behavioural and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.
LIPODOLATE1 - Lepidolite 1 inch cluster specimen. Was $3.50 SALE $2.75
GARNET34RND-Round 3/4 Garnet stone specimen from Mali. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 Represents love, revitalises feelings, enhances sexuality, brings warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty. A spiritual stone of higher thinking and self-empowerment, strength, safety, abundance, prosperity
GARNET78RND- Garnet 7/8 inch round specimen. Was $10 SALE $8.00
GARNETGROSS1IN- Garnet 1 inch grossular hex specimen. Was $14.50 SALE $11.50
MOOKAITEPNT112-Mookaite 1 1/2 inch specimen. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50
EUDIALYTERUSSIA-Eudialyte 1 to 1 1/4 inch tumbled stones. $9.50
GPTANG1B214 -Angel white iridescent aura crystal 2 inch point reflecting the alchemical extreme heat process that bonds gold, silver and platinum with pure natural Quartz. Was $26.00 SALE $21.00 Signifying hope and optimism, Angel Aura Quartz will assist in the complete evaluation and transformation of ones current life, providimg inner peace, mental clarity, highented intellect, and pure serenity.
danburite - rough danburite stone specimen. Was $10.00-$15.00 SALE $8.00-9.00 A powerful Heart Chakra stone, relieving emotional pain with it's pure love energy of serenity and peace.
amethystwands - 2 1/2 inch rough amethyst wand specimen. Was $18.00 SALE 14.50 Has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.
GUSELC- Selenite rough cube specimen.Was $3.00 SALE $2.50 Chakra: crown & sacral
Named after the ancient Greek moon Goddess Selene this stone glows with moonlight bringing inner peace, radiance, calm, reconciliation, and harmony. It is an angel crystal linked with healing useful for vitality, youthfulness
RHODOCHROSITEXL- Rhodochrosite specimen XL size 1 3/4" Was $$14.50 SALE $11.50 Rhodochrosite crystal stone a must-have addition to your collection of heart-based healing crystals, directing love first toward the self for the specific purpose of emotional healing. Rhodochrosite emanates one of the most tender and loving energies of any stone, soothing the heart, comforting the soul, and vibrating to the frequencies of inner peace. The center of emotional activity and personal will, the Solar Plexus Chakra tends to record and store unresolved issues. Rhodochrosite frees blockages in this chakra. It inspires a dynamic and positive attitude, as well as a courageous heart.
128- Tiny gemstone coffin. Approx. 1 1/2 inch Assorted gemstones available in pull down menu. $4.50 each
calcite-3/4 inch or 1 1/4 inch Calcite aka Iceland Spar stone specimen. Was $6.50-8.00 SALE $5.50-$6.50 Said to be an all healer, especially for absent healing, for speaking the truth with tact and compassion. $8.00
GTAMEB- Assorted tumbled amethyst 1/2" to 1 7/8" stones. Was $1.00 - $6.00 SALE $1.50-$3.25 Has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing
gpya- 25-30mm amethyst pyramid. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50
gptanga2-Angel aura quartz point. $17.00 . Angel Aura Quartz gets its amazing iridescent rainbow colors through a special coating process. This is a high vibrating crystal that will offer insight and divine connection
QUARTZCLTR2-Quartz cluster 2 inches. Was $10.00 SALE $8.00
GTBLAOB- Assorted tumbled black onyx 1" to 1 1/2" stones. Was $1.00 - $4.00 SALE $0.75- $1.50
GTMIXROSEQTZ/GTROSB- Assorted tumbled rose quartz 1/2" to 1 1/4" stones. Was $1.00 - $3.00.SALE $1.00-$2.50
GTOBSB- Assorted tumbled black Obsidian 1" to 1 1/2" stones. Was $1.00 - $2.00.SALE $1.00-$1.50
GTCARB- Assorted tumbled Carnelian 1" to 1 1/2" stones. Was $1.00 - $4.00.SALE $0.75-$4.50
GULAPS- Assorted untumbled lapis lazuli 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" stones. Was $5.00 - $5.50.SALE $4.00-$4.50
GTMIXRUTILEQ34-Rutilated quartz 3/4 inch stone specimen. Was $2.00 SALE $1.50
BUMBLEBEEJASR1-Bumblebee jasper 1 inch. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 .
LAPISSQUARE34-Blue 3/4 inch Lapis Lazuli square polished specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $6.75
LEPIDOLITE112- Lepidolite flat 1 1/2 inch specimen. $4.00 Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganisation of old behavioural and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good.
GFCITD1-Citrine druze cluster 1 inch specimen. Was $5.50 SALE $5.50
FLUORITEPYR114-Fluorite pyramid 1 1/4 inch. $18.00
AGATERAWSTONE- 1 1/2 inch flat agate specimen. Was $6.50 SALE $5.50 Agate is for the root and brow chakras and is known for providing access to other diimensions and to see your spirit guides.
AMETHYSTPNTMD- Amethyst point wide 1 1/4 inch crystal.Was $11.50 SALE $9.50 Healing, love, or addition or obsessions, natures,
tranquilizer. Attracts good luck. Counteracts negative earth energies.Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.>
tmbl4-Amazonite tumbled stone. Was $1.00 - $4.00 SALE $0.75-$2.75
CALCITEBLUE-Rough blue calcite 1 1/4 inch. Was $7.50.SALE $6.00 An all-healer, it is good for absent healing, a crystal for sepaking the truth but with tact and compassio, especially if leaving a relationship or breaking bad news
MUSHRMCARNEL34-Carnelian mushroom 7/8 inch. $8.50
afoog- Azure Green Fools Gold mineral Charm. Good for wealth spells. Was $4.50 SALE $3.75
DANBURITE134-Large Danburite crystal 1 3/4 inch Was $6.00 SALE $4.75 DANBURITE- Chakra: Heart and Crown
Known for emotional healing, injects positive feelings into ongoing negative situations and people bringing the best possible outcome. Helps us see the good in everyone. Empowers inexperiened healers to send healing light from their eyes.Possesses the energizing, clearing and light bringing properties of clear quartz. It is more empathetic oriented, encourages progress through interconnections between individuals and groups. Draws people who are in tune with you.Deters time wasters, fantasists and less benign contacts. Helps clear blockages for the sick.
gptamerb-Amethyst rough gemstone. Was $10.50-13.50 SALE $8.50-$11.00
agateflat3in- 3 1/2 inch flat agate specimen. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50 Agate is for the root and brow chakras and is known for providing access to other diimensions and to see your spirit guides.
4247tourmaline- Rough untumbled Pink Tourmaline specimen. Was $6.50-$7.50 SALE $6.00 Chakra: heart and crown
Helpful for spinal injuries, migranes, fear, panic, regularizing mentrual cycle for conception.A loving stone which can provide comfort to abused children. According to ancient Egyptian lore the stone came from the center of the earth and passed over a rainbow taking with it all the colors as its’ own
4552-Gemstone Puffy heart 1.6 x .8 inches. Was $11.50 SALE $9.50
GTMIXCLRQTZ- Tumbled clear quartz crystal.Was $1.00 - $4.00 SALE $0.75-$2.75 Chakra: crown. Heals the body, and good for memory, exhaustion, weight loss, pain relief, restores health, attracts success. In healing it is an amplifier stone or a good substitute for another crystal.
FLUORITEROUGH-1 inch Fluorite stone specimen. Was $14.00 SALE $11.50 Said to aid in spiritual or psychic development and offer protection against malicious spirits or negative energies.
RAWGRNGARNETs- Rough green 5/8 or 3/4 inch grossular garnet.$3.50-4.50 SALE $2.50-3.50 Good for new business
ventures, boosting new ideas, creativity, and to be recognized for one’s talent. Good for preotections from abuse, good for immune system, heart, respiratory and reproductive systems.
GARNET34INCH-Rough garnet specimen 3/4 inch. Was $3.00 SALE $2.50 Represents love, revitalises feelings, enhances sexuality, brings warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty. A spiritual stone of higher thinking and self-empowerment, strength, safety, abundance, prosperity
GOLDNLABRADITS- Golden laboradite 1 1/4 - 1 3/8 inch stone. Was $3.50 SALE $2.75 Chakra: Solar Plexus, Brow & Root.
A stone of independent thought and action, it helps reduce anti-social, reckless or impulsive behavior yet brings fun, adventure and spontinaety. Inuit lore tells of a brave warrior who struck the stone with his spear and created the Northern Lights.It also helps those with unfinished business, recovery from tragedy. Removes blocks in the solar plexus, the home of willpower, personal identity. Opens channels to the higher realm
opticalcalcite-Optical calcite crystal 3/4 in to 1 1/2 inch. Was $5.00-$10.00 SALE $4.00-8.00 Optical Calcite carries a very high and unique vibration that helps clear away stagnant energy blockages,bring higher energies into the chakras, encourage spiritual development. Said to be an all healer, especially for absent healing, for speaking the truth with tact and compassion
LEMONMQTZCITRINE-Lemon quartz citrine irradeated rough 1 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 Citrine heightens self-discipline, attracting professional success and wealth, cleanses all Chakras and opens the 3rd eye.
DRUZYQUARTZ2- Druzy quartz 2 inch specimen. Was $7.50 SALE $6.00 Good for natural healing on physical, mental, and spiritual levels, and when worn can promote relaxation and stress relief, or connect more easily with their own healing powers, particularly with immune and reproductive systems.
gpyruk25-25-30 mm ruby with kyanite pyramid. $12.00
AGATE114-Agate 1 1/4 inch specimen. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50 Chakra: Crown, Root and Brow. Agate comes from the river Achetes in Sicily, where they were discovered with artifacts of Neolithic people, and were used by pre 3000BC Egyptians. Agate stones protect against excessive negativity with a stabilising and strengthening influence. Stimulating the crown chakra, they bring celestial and earth energy into the auras, harmonising them with the physical body.
RUTILETOWER178- Rutilated quartz tower 1 7/8 inch. Was $22.00 SALE $17.50 Rutilated quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energises the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past
POLISHEDCORAL-Polished coral fossil 1 3/4 inch specimen. Was $13.00 SALE $10.50 Chakra: Solar Pexus. A natural gemstone created when prehistoric coral is gradually replaced with agate, itsaid to be a gift from the stars. It can be used to enhance telepathic communication with other realms and dimensions. They are life-affirming; open and lively, and can be used to align the chakras
KUNZITESPODUMENE-1 inch kunzite spodumene stone 1 1/4 inch specimen. Was $10.50 SALE $8.50 Chakra: Solar Plexus chakra
Spodumene is excellent for achieving deep, meditative states, allowing for a connection with the Divine and deep sense of peace. It clears away negativity by raising vibrational levels of the various subtle bodies. When in need of clarification on a matter, its high vibration will open the mind for a clearer perspective
LEMURIANQUARTZ-Lemurian crystal 2 1/2 inch specimen. Was $25.00 SALE $20.00 A magical stone with an epic lineage, these mostly clear Quartz crystals have pink markings on their surfaces, covered in striations. They do not grow in clustes like other crystals. Lemurian quartz will assist in removing all types of energy blockages, for healing and meditation work.
FLUORITEGREEN-Green fluorite stone 1 3/4 inch specimen. Was $20.00 SALE $16.00 Chakra: Brow
Cleanses impurities in the body and blockages in mind and spirit. Meditation with this crystal can stimulate psychic abilities and enhance intuittion. Can bring balance during spitital or psychic development work and offer protection
SEPTARIANNODULE-Septarian nodule 1 1/2 inch specimen. Was $21.00 SALE $17.00 Formed during the Cretaceous Period, around 50 to 70 million years ago, Septarian Nodule is truly a magnificent piece of artwork from Mother Nature. It is formed when periodic volcanic eruptions killed the smaller sea life and sank them to the seabed which in turn allow their decomposing. Also known as Dragon healing stones, they are a wonderful stone to wear or carry with
TREMOLITEHEX212-Tremolite hexagonite 2 1/2 inch specimen. Was $10.50 SALE $8.50 .
GARNET1INCH-Rough garnet specimen 1 inch. Was $3.50 SALE $2.75 Represents love, revitalises feelings, enhances sexuality, brings warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty. A spiritual stone of higher thinking and self-empowerment, strength, safety, abundance, prosperity
RUBYFUCHSITE-Ruby Fuchsite 1 1/2 inch tumbled specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $6.75 Chakra - Heart
This crystalline fuchsite with included ruby crystals has the capacity to help heal the heart, removing any blockages to unconditional loving energies. It can help open you to psychic awareness and the realms of spirit and the natural world, enhance your connection to the spiritual realms
GNTOURMALIN118-Green tourmaline 1 1/8 inch specimen. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50
DESERTROSE-Desert Rose selenite crystal 1 inch. $6.00 SALE $4.75 Good for new business
ventures, boosting new ideas, creativity, and to be recognized for one’s talent. Good for preotections from abuse, good for immune system, heart, respiratory and reproductive systems.
gptameb-Rough amethyst 1 1/2 to 2 inch crystal specimen. Was $9.00 - $14.00 SALE $7.50-11.50 Healing, love, or addition or obsessions, natures'
tranquilizer, helps with physical and emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Attracts good luck.
CHEVRONAMTHYST -Chevron amethyst 1- 1 3/4 inch tumbled specimen. Was $3.50-10.00 SALE $3.50-8.00 Healing, love, or addition or obsessions, natures,
tranquilizer. Attracts good luck. Counteracts negative earth energies.Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.
moldavite12- Genuine Moldavite 1/2 inch specimen. Was $37.50 SALE $25.50 MOldavite is know to take control of the Heart chakra, to discover your true self, for protection, improving mental health, healing energy.
RUBYZOISITF112-Ruby zoisite 1 1/2 inch flat irregular specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50 .
ARAGONITESM-1 inch Aragonite specimen. Was $7.50 SALE $6.00
301-Double terminated Crystal point 1 1/4 inches. $3.50.
CLRQUARTZWD134-Clear Quartz 1 3/4 inch point. Was $11.00 SALE $9.00
121LA-40mm Labradorite gemstone sphere. $15.50.
TITAURAQTZ114W-Titanium aura quartz 1 1/4 inch wide specimen. Was $14.00 SALE $11.50 The Stone of Universal Light, Titanium Aura Quartz is a high vibrational stone. This stone activates and balances all of the seven major chakras. Titanium Aura is a form of Quartz combined with titanium (the metal of power) by bonding titanium oxide onto its surface
DRUZYAGATE2-Druzy agate 2 inch specimen.Was $8.50 SALE $6.75
OPAL1-Tumbled dentrictic Opal from Ethiopia 1 inch. Was $9.50.SALE $7.50
QUARTZPOINT134-Clear Quartz crystal point. $6.00-$11.00 SALE $4.75-9.00 Chakra: Crown
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power as it amplifies any energy or intention, and can be used as an amplifier or substitute for another crystal in healing. It protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, heals the body, relieves pain, helps with memory
smithsonite-Rough smithsonite specimen. 1 3/4 inch Was $19.00; 1 1/4" $13.00. SALE $11.00-15.50 Calcite/ zinc.
Chakras: brow and heart Beneficial for skin disorders, immune system, recovery from medical issues. Gentle nurturing when placed close to the heart or anywhere to remove excesses and boost deficiencies. Provides comfort in times of emotional
PICTUREJASPER-Picture jasper 1 inch tumbled specimen. Was $6.50 SALE $5.50 Jasper is a great crystal for focus, easing stress, balance, protection, internal stability, level-headedness, and a very good grounding gem stone for those with an excess of energy. Various Native American tribes used Jasper as a rubbing stone, calling it "the rain bringer. Carved into an arrowhead, is worn to attract luck.”Ancient Egyptians wore Jasper scarabs as amulets and is known as the crystal of sorcerers, healers, holymen, and royalty. It is a good stone to use after completing a ritual to help you regain your center and become grounded
clearquartzpoint-Clear quartz points. $3.00-6.00 Chakra: Crown
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power as it amplifies any energy or intention, and can be used as an amplifier or substitute for another crystal in healing. It protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, heals the body, relieves pain, helps with memory
amethystpoint-Amethyst small crystal point 3/4", 5/8", 1/2", 1" $2.75-$6.50 SALE $2.75-$5.50 Healing, love, or addition or obsessions, natures,
tranquilizer. Attracts good luck. Counteracts negative earth energies.Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.
MOOKAITEJASPER-Mookaite jasper tumbled 1 1/3 inch specimen. Was $6.50 SALE $5.50
CLEARQUARTZ114-Clear quartz crystal point 1 1/4 inch. Was $5.50 SALE $4.50 Chakra: Crown
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power as it amplifies any energy or intention, and can be used as an amplifier or substitute for another crystal in healing. It protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, heals the body, relieves pain, helps with memory.
PEACOCKORE34IN-Peacock ore rough 3/4 inch specimen. Was $7.50 SALE $6.00 A stone of happiness, peacock ore makes an excellent healing crystal that channelizes the internal energy and removes all the negativity
DRUZYCHRYSCRED-Red druzy 1 1/2 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 Druzy crystals have been used to induce creativity and relaxation, as well as to help with emotional problems.
RUBYNOCAROLINA-Rough ruby 3/4 inch specimen. Was $12.00 SALE $9.50 Chakra: Base, or Root. Historically the ruby has represented nobility, purity and passion, it can clear confusion and increase focus.
palmstnlabr134-Labradorite palm stone 1 3/4 inch. $15.00
palmstonlabra2-Labradorite palm stone 2 inch. $18.00
INCLUSIONQUARTZ-Inclusion quartz 1 1/4 inch specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50 Clear Quartz with inclusions can include Hematite, Feldspar, Chlorite, is helpful for enhancing ones sensitivity to energy, and has a fantastic healing vibration
PHANTQUARTZ134-Phantom quartz point 1 3/4 inch specimen. Was $15.00 SALE $12.00 A phantom crystal is a crystal or mineral deposit within a crystal, which looks like the ghost of a crystal within another crystal, making it a powerful healer,
HEMIMORPHITE113-Hemimorphite 1 1/3 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
PYRITE112-Pyrite 1 1/2 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 Sheilds the wearer from negative energy, promotes good health, wealth and good luck, while stimulating the second and third chakras
gtrutb -Tumbled rutilated quartz specimen. Was $0.50- $6.50 SALE $0.25-$5.50 Quartz which contains naturally occurring strands of Rutile, this Solar plexus chakra stone is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth, cleanses and energises the aura, draws off negative energy.
APOPHYLITECHA214-Apophylite Chaldony 2 1/4 inch specimen from Jalgaor. Was $15.00 SALE $12.00
gpybt25- 25-30mm black tourmaline pyramid. $13.00
AMYCHEVRNTOWR2-2 inch gemstone amethyst tower. $16.50.
GUROSQB -Rough untumbled rose quartz specimen. Was $5.50- $7.00 SALE $4.75-5.50 Fosters empathy, reconciliation, forgiveness, Lowers stress and tension, clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment, allows healing of heart issues and disease associated with holding on to negative emotions
TITAAURATZ782-Titanium aura quartz 7/8 x 2 inch.Was $20.00 SALE $16.00
PURPBANDFLUORIT-Purple band fluorite 1 1/8 rough specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $6.75
OPALCRYSTGD112-Opal crystal geode 1 1/2 inch rough specimen. Was $17.50 SALE $14.00
OPALMEXICO78-Opal from Mexico 7/8 inch specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $6.75
REDJASPER113-Red jasper 1 1/3 inch specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50
RNBWPYRITE118-Rainbow Pyrite 1 1/8 inch specimen. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50 Sheilds the wearer from negative energy, promotes good health, wealth and good luck, while stimulating the second and third chakras
gubtb- Black tourmaline untumbled specimen. Was $1.00-$20.00 SALE $1.50-$6.75 A protective stone which repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attack, it aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space.
AQUAMARIN1-Aquamarine 1 inch specimen. Was $13.50 SALE $11.00
CHEVAMETHTWR2 -Chevron amethyst 2 inch double terminated point. Was $14.00 SALE $11.50 Healing, love, or addition or obsessions, natures,
tranquilizer. Attracts good luck. Counteracts negative earth energies.Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.
GPTANGGB234114 -Angel gold iridescent aura crystal 2 3/4 x 1 1/4 inch point reflecting the alchemical process that bonds gold with pure Quartz. $27.00
This gold aura crystal is a natural Quartz crystal that has been treated so that it's surface bonds with gold, useful when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of ones life to a more desirable state.
Golden Aura Quartz crystals absolutely perfect for personal talismans
AMETHYST114PT-Amethyst 1 1/4 inch rough point. Was $6.50 SALE $5.50 Has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing
GTEMEB-Tumbled emerald 1 1/2 inch specimen. Was $2.00-7.00 SALE $1.50-$3.25 Brings loyalty, domestic bliss, enhances unconditional love, unity and promotes friendship. Keeps partnerships in balance, can signal unfaithfulness with color changes, stimulates the heart chakra, heals emotions and physical heart.
CALCITE1INPOINT-Calcite 1 inch point. Was $12.00 SALE $9.50
guflub-Fluorite rough. Was $7.00-8.50 SALE $6.00-7.00
AMETHPYRAMD138 -Amethyst 1 3/8 inch pyramid. Was $17.50 SALE $.14.00
CLEARCRYSTL113-Clear crystal quartz 1 1/3 inch specimen. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50 Chakra: Crown
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power as it amplifies any energy or intention
PEACOCKORE118-Peacock ore 1 1/8 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 A stone of happiness, peacock ore makes an excellent healing crystal that channelizes the internal energy and removes all the negativity
PEACOCKORE114-Peacock ore 1 1/4 inch specimen. Was $11.00 SALE $9.00
GOLDENHEALER158-Golden healer quartz 1 5/8 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
OBSIDIANFLAT112-1 1/2 inch black Obsidian flat stone. $8.50
LEMONTOPAZ118-Lemon topaz specimen. Was $5.50 -9.00 SALE $4.50-7.50
ZEOLITE112-Zeolite cluster 1 1/2 inch specimen. Both sides shown. Was $12.00 SALE $9.50 Zeolites minerals contain mainly aluminum and silicon compounds, are used in water and air purifiers, can release toxins, help alleviate addiction and fatigue, brain fog, protect the crown chakra.
OBSIDIANBAST3-Obsidian Bast 3 inch. $20.00
GARNET118DRUZY-Garnet druzy 1 1/8 inch specimen. Was $13.00 SALE $10.50 Druzy crystals induce creativity and relaxation, help with emotional problems, while garnet is a spiritual stone of higher thinking, self-empowerment, strength, safety, prosperity and abundance.
HAYSTACKTOURMALI-Haystack black tourmaline 1 2/3 inch specimen. Was $14.00 SALE $11.50 Will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. A popular metaphysical stone, Black Tourmaline is also great for grounding. It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras
SKUL112-Gemstone opalite, unakite, lapis or rose quartz skull 1 1/2 inch. $14.00-25.00
CHAROITTHIN1IN-Charoite 1 inch thin specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50 Generally strengthens the body, grounding high frequency energy into the physical system transmuting illness and disease into wellness. It assists in overcoming exhaustion, and stimulates and regulates blood pressure and pulse rate. It is an excellent cleanser of the body when taken as an elixir.
CHAROITWIDE1IN-Charoite 1 inch wide specimen. $10.00 Generally strengthens the body, grounding high frequency energy into the physical system transmuting illness and disease into wellness. It assists in overcoming exhaustion, and stimulates and regulates blood pressure and pulse rate. It is an excellent cleanser of the body when taken as an elixir..
MALACHITE2IN-Malachite 2 inch rough specimen. Was $23.00 SALE $18.50 Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation, intention. It absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface, clears and activates all Chakras, particularly the Heart and Throat Chakras. Malachite amplifies energies of all kinds, positive and negative.An extremely powerful metaphysical stone, Malachite is called the stone of transformation and used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation
MALACHITE178IN-Fibrous malachite 1 7/8 inch rough specimen. Was $19.00 SALE $15.50 Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation, intention. It absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface, clears and activates all Chakras, particularly the Heart and Throat Chakras. Malachite amplifies energies of all kinds, positive and negative.An extremely powerful metaphysical stone, Malachite is called the stone of transformation and used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation
SMITHSONITE118-Smithsonite blue 1 1/8 inch rough specimen. Was $13.50 SALE $11.00 Chakras: brow and heart Beneficial for skin disorders, immune system, recovery from medical issues. Gentle nurturing when placed close to the heart or anywhere to remove excesses and boost deficiencies. Provides comfort in times of emotional
jasper2inflat-Jasper 2 inch flat specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50 Jasper is a great crystal for focus, easing stress, balance, protection, internal stability, level-headedness, and a very good grounding gem stone for those with an excess of energy. Various Native American tribes used Jasper as a rubbing stone, calling it "the rain bringer. Carved into an arrowhead, is worn to attract luck.”Ancient Egyptians wore Jasper scarabs as amulets and is known as the crystal of sorcerers, healers, holymen, and royalty. It is a good stone to use after completing a ritual to help you regain your center and become grounded
GOLDENMICA2-Golden Mica 2 inch specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $6.75
skulltigereye1-Tiger eye 1 in skull. $9.50
skulrbmoonstn1-Rainbow Moonstone 1 in skull. $9.50
skullmahobsid1-Mahogany Obsidian 1 in skull. $9.50
skullobsidian1- Obsidian 1 in skull. $9.50
GUJASFB -Untumbled rainbow jasper rough specimen in green to red color spectrum. Was $1.00- $5.50 SALE $0.75-$4.50 Jasper is a great crystal for focus, easing stress, balance, protection, internal stability, level-headedness, and a very good grounding gem stone
ROSEQTZPYRA112-Rose quartz pyramid 1 1/2 inch. $15.00
BLULACEAGAT178-Blue lace agate (Chalcedony) rough specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $6.75 Blue lace agate (Chalcedony) inspires loyalty and trustworthiness, boosts communication, and is a gentle healing stone that relieves stress and brings a sense of tranquility by clearing the throat and crown chakras..
QUARTZPOINT114-Clear Quartz 1 1/4 inch point. Was $13.50 SALE $10.50
RAWGRNGARNETMD-Raw green garnet 3/4 inch specimen. $4.50 SALE $3.50
CALCITHEM214-Calcite hematite 2 1/4 inch specimen from Mexico. Was $16.50 SALE $13.50
TOURMILATEQTZ2- Tourmilated quartz 2 inch specimen. Was $12.50 SALE $10.00 Tourmalinated quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones
STERLHEULAN114- Sterlite heulandite 1 1/4 inch rough specimen. Was $12.00 SALE $9.50 Heulandite emits a frequency that stimulates dreams and visions,open 3rd eye chakra.
ZEOLITE178-Zeolite cluster specimen. $16.00 Zeolites minerals contain mainly aluminum and silicon compounds, are used in water and air purifiers, can release toxins, help alleviate addiction and fatigue, brain fog, protect the crown chakra.
gtgavb- Tumbled aventurine specimen. Was $3.00- $4.50 SALE $2.75-$3.50 Aventurine is one of the best stones to attract luck, abundance and success. Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it, and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues. Green Aventurine is a great piece to use when working with the Heart Chakra and/or the Water Elements.
EPIDOTE112-Epidote 1 1/2 inch crystal cluster. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
DRAGBLDJASPR1-Dragon's blood jasper 1 inch stone specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50
OBSIDIANSKUL212-Obsidian skull 2 1/2 inch. $31.00
135268-Angel Aura 1 1/4 inch quartz crystal point. Was $13.50 SALE $11.00 Good for throat chakra, assists one in communicating the insights received, for aura and chakra clearing.
135269-Aqua Aura quartz crystal point. Was $11.00 SALE $9.00
FLUORITEGRN138-Green fluorite 1 3/8 inch flat specimen. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50
DENDRITEAGATE1-Dendrite agate specimen 1 inch. Was $6.50 SALE $5.50
DRUZYAGATE1IN-Druzy agate specimen 1 inch. $6.50 SALE $5.50
CLEARQUARTZ178-Clear Quartz 1 7/8 inch point. $11.00
STERLHEULAN118-Sterlheulan 1 1/8 inch specimen .Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
skullunakite2- 2 inch unakite skull. $18.00
4509rq-Rose quartz tumbled worry stone. $4.50 SALE $3.50
GUQZB-Rough Clear quartz crystal point. Was $0.50 - $5.50 SALE $0.25-$3.25 Chakra: Crown
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power as it amplifies any energy or intention, and can be used as an amplifier or substitute for another crystal in healing. It protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, heals the body, relieves pain, helps with memory.
gh15var-15 mm heart quartz stone bead 2 pc set. Was $6.50/set SALE $5.50 .
AMETHYSTPYR114-1 1/4 inch gemstone amethyst pyramid. $15.00.
CHALCOPYRITE78-Chalcopyrite 7/8 inch crystal specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 Sheilds the wearer from negative energy, promotes good health, wealth and good luck, while stimulating the second and third chakras
LEOPARDSKINAGT-Leopardskin agate 1 1/4 inch specimen. Was $7.50 SALE $6.00
AQUAAURA78 -Aqua aura crystal point. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50
GREENCALCITE2- Green calcite 2 inch stone. $8.50
guflurb-Fluorite rough. Was $8.00-9.50 SALE $6.50- $7.50
BKTOURMALINE1-Black tourmaline 1 inch rough specimen. Was $12.00 SALE $9.50 A protective stone which repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attack, it aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space.
BOULDEROPAL112-Boulder Opal 1 1/2 inch specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $6.75 Boulder Opal has a pure energy, clears/strengthens the aura, provides clarity and purity of thought, un-cluttering a muddled and confused mind,calms and centres, used in meditation can facilitate counsel with guides
skullabradr112-Labradorite 2 in flat skull. $20.00
CLEARQUARTZ112-Clear Quartz 1 1/2 inch point. $11.00
BOULDEROPAL134-Boulder Opal 1 3/4 inch specimen. Was $11.00 SALE $9.00
skullbldstn2-Bloodstone 2 in skull. $18.00
SKULLOBSIDIAN2BL-Obsidian 2 in skull. $18.00
SKULLUNAKITE2-Unakite 2 in skull. $18.00
AMETHYSTRAWMD-Amethyst rough medium stone specimen. Was $10.00 SALE $8.00
AMETHYST138-Amethyst 1 3/8 inch specimen. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50
122- 25mm pyramid. Shown is fluorite. Other gemstones available in pull down menu. $7.50-$9.00
sleepcatobsid2-2 inch obsidian sleeping cat. $27.00
TUBEONYX2INFLAT-Tube onyx 2 inch flat specimen. Was $10.00 SALE $8.00
SULPHUR78 -Sulphur 7/8 specimen. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50
RUTILEQUARTZ112-Rutile quartz 1 1/2 inch specimen.Was $8.00 SALE $6.50
MALACHITE123-Fibrous malachite 1 2/3 inch rough specimen. Was $13.00 SALE $10.50
gtjasdb- Tumbled dragon blood jasper specimen. Was $5.50- $7.00 SALE $4.50-$5.50 Dragon Blood Jasper helps to lift the emotions, bringing vitality and joy. Mentally/Psychologically, Dragon Blood Jasper is a stone of personal power. It provides strength, courage, and purpose to help face difficulties and to heal repressed emotional issues.
DRUZYPYRITE134-Druzy pyrite 1 3/4 inch specimen. Was $6.50 SALE $5.50 Besides its well known aspect of radiating a strong energy of wealth and abundance, pyrite is a wonderful shiny mineral that instantly wakes up any space with its' optimistic energy. As a talisman, Pyrite is a unique protector, drawing energy from the Earth through the physical body and into the aura creating a defensive shield against negative energies, environmental pollutants, emotional attack and physical harm.
CHROMIUMFUS112-Chromium fuschite 1 1/2 inch specimen. $13.00 SALE $10.50 It has been traditionally used by shamans and healers to find the root causes of disease and to connect with the earth elementals, fairies and devas
CHROMETREMO118-Chromium tremolite 1 1/8 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 Tremolite is one of the high vibration crystals, and resonates with a powerful energy. Its energy is felt within the highest chakras, and is good for facilitating contact with others, stabilizing and balancing chaotic energy.
CHROMETREMO114-Chromium tremolite 1 1/4 inch specimen. $10.00 Tremolite is one of the high vibration crystals, and resonates with a powerful energy. Its energy is felt within the highest chakras, and is good for facilitating contact with others, stabilizing and balancing chaotic energy.
goflu1-Fluorite obelisk 1 1/4 inch. Was $12.50 SALE $10.00.
PKTOURMALIN112-Pink tourmaline 1 1/2 inch rough specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 Pink Tourmaline is an extraordinary crystal for cleansing the emotional body of destructive feelings and old wounds accumulated over time. It releases guilt, worry, depression and anxieties, and guides those emotions into self-love.
FLUORITESNAKE2-2 inch snake carved from fluorite gemstone. $15.00
LABRADORTSNAK2-2 inch snake carved from labradorite gemstone. $15.00
CHLORITEQTZ-Chlorite quartz specimen. $6.75 -9.50 Green Chlorite in Quartz is a powerful healing combination. The Quartz amplifies the purifying, detoxifying properties of the Chlorite making it one of the best crystals to use for physical cleansing. Chlorite will help to cleanse the aura, chakras and energy meridians
gpymr25 -25-30 mm rainbow moonstone pyramid. $10.00
LEPIDOLICAT112-Lepidolite cat 1 1/2 inch. $12.00
CATLEPIDOLITE138-Gemstone cat lepidolite 1 3/8 inch. $8.50
APOPHYLLITE312-Apophyllite 3 1/2 inch. Was $24.00 SALE $19.50 .
gptanga2-1 1/2 inch angel aura quartz point. $17.00
clearqtzdruze2-Clear quartz crystal druze 2 inch specimen. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
PINKTOURM112- Tumbled pink tourmaline 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inch stones. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
CALCITCLSTR234-Calcite 2 3/4 inch crystal cluster. Was $16.50 SALE $13.50 .
blukyanite212-Blue kyanite 2 1/2 inch rough. Was $11.00 SALE $9.00 .
amethystdruz-Amethyst druzy 1 3/4 inch- 2 1/2 inch. 2 1/2 inch size $12.00 1 3/4 & 2 inch Were $6.50-12.00 SALE $5.50-12.00
FLUORITEVILEY2-Purple Fluorite Evil Eye pyramid 2 inch. $20.50
bizmuth-Bizmuth specimens assorted sizes. Was $4.00 - $9.00 SALE $3.25-$7.50 .
citrinecalcit3-Citrine calcite acid polished 3 inch. Was $13.50 SALE $11.00 .
PYRDMDKOMJA112-Kombaba jasper pyramid 1 1/2 inch. $12.50
4550-1 inch gemstone heart. $4.50.
gtrospb- Rose quartz tumbled pebble specimens. Was $5.50-7.50 SALE $4.50-6.00
OCOAGATE112-Oco agate 1 1/2 inch geode slice. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50.
AMETHYSTPOINT2-2 inch amethyst rough crystal point. $11.50 .
aquamarine138-Aquamarine 1 3/8 inch. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50 .
bktourmalnpt138-Black tourmaline 1 3/8 inch point. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50 .
CHALCEDONAG112-Chalcedony blue agate 1 1/2 inch. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 .
fluoritehx34-Green fluorite 3/4 inch octachedron. $5.50 .
citrinerpoint2-Citrine rough 2 inch point. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50 .
GRNGARNTHEX114-Raw green garnet 1 1/4 inch hex specimen. $9.50 SALE $7.50
VANDENITE112IN-1 - 1 1/2 inch Vanadinite specimens from Morocco. Was $9.00-10.50 SALE $7.00-7.50.
CLEARQUARTZ2IN-Clear Quartz 2 inch point. $11.00
SKULOBSIDN112-Obsidian Skull 1 1/2 inch. $12.50
TOURMILATDQTZ-Tourmilated quartz 2 inch rough. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50 .
TOURMLTDQTZ112-Tourmilated quartz 1 1/2 inch rough. Was $8.00 SALE $6.50
gmcitd-Citrine double terminated crystal wand. Was $16.00 SALE $13.00.
towerfluorite4-Fluorite tower/obelisk 4 inch. $24.00
gorubf-Ruby Fuchsite 3 inch crystal obelisk. Was $17.00 SALE $14.00 .
AMAZONITERUFF1-Amazonite 1 inch rough untumbled specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $7.00.
AZURITEMALACH2-Azurite malachite 1 inch untumbled rough specimen. Was $10.50.SALE $8.50
GARNTHALFCIR34-Garnet 3/4 inch rough untumbled 1/2 circle specimen. Was $8.50 SALE $7.00.
LAPISEMERALD1-Lapis Emerald facet cut 1 inch stone. Was $9.50 SALE $7.50.
OPALETHIOPIA-Opal rough gemstone from Ethiopia. Was $29.50 SALE $14.50-23.50
QUARTZPAK1-Quartz cluster from Pakistan 3 inches. Was $29.50 SALE $23.50.
QUARTZPT114-Quartz point 1 1/4 inches. Was $9.00. SALE $7.50
TEKTITTIBET- 1 1/2 - 2 inch Tektite specimens from Tibet. $9.00-10.50 SALE $7.50-8.50.
AMETHYDRUZY112-Amethyst druzy 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches. Was $7.00-10.50.SALE $5.50-7.50
AMETHYSRUF- 1-1 3/4 inch rough amethyst specimen. Was $5.00-6.50 SALE $4.00-5.50
gurosqb-Untumbled Rose quartz 1 lb. 3-4 inch specimen. $12.50.
gmblod-2 inch bloodstone double terminated 16 facet gemstone. $16.50.
REDCRKJASP114-Red creek jasper 1 1/4 inches. Was $7.00-8.00 SALE $5.50-6.50.
152rq- Tiny 1 inch rose quartz skull. $7.00 each
heartobsidn112-1 1/2 inch obsidian anatomical heart. $9.00
DOMINACANMBER1 -Amber from Dominican Republic. Was $8.50 SALE $7.00
LARIMAR114-1 1/4 inch Larimar from Dominican Republic. Was $10.50 SALE $8.50
4551-Rose Quartz Puffy heart 1.6 x1.6 x 4 inches. Was $7.00 SALE $5.50
gpyocar25 -Dyed blue crystal geode 2 1/4 inches. Was $11.50 SALE $9.50
CHVRNAMY2PT214 -Chevron amethyst 2 1/4 inch double terminated point. Was $20.50 SALE $16.50 Healing, love, or addition or obsessions, natures,
tranquilizer. Attracts good luck. Counteracts negative earth energies.Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.
EMERALD- Emerald 1 1/4- 1 1/2 inch specimens. Was $9.00-9.50 SALE $7.50
RUBYFUCHSITE118-Ruby Fuchsite 1 1/8 inch tumbled stone. Was $9.00 SALE $7.50
RUBYFUCHSITE2-Ruby Fuchsite 2 inch rough untumbled stone. Was $8.50 SALE $7.00
MICA2IN-Mica 2 inch specimen. Was $9.50.SALE $7.50
LARIMARTEARDP1-1 inch Larimar teardrop from Dominican Republic. Was $21.00 SALE $17.00
LABRADORHRT112-Labradorite 1 1/2 inch heart. $15.00.
SPHALERITETWR2-Spharlerite tower 2 inch. $21.00
LEPIDOLI112HRT-Lepidolite 1 1/2 inch heart. $15.00.
VANDANANITE118-Vandananite 1 1/8 inch stone. $5.00
GARNETCLUST134-Garnet 1 3/4 inch cluster. $15.00.
MALACHITE178-Malachite chrysocolla 1 7/8 inch stone. $9.00
WATERMLNTOUR78-Watermelon tourmaline 7/8 inch rod. $30.00.
AMBER134-Amber free shape 1 7/8 inch stone. $18.00
GRNCHLORITE112-Green chlorite 1 1/2 inch. $25.50.
OPALMADA114-Opal free shape 1 1/2 inch stone. $15.00
BLDSTONSKUL112-Bloodstone skull 1 1/2 inch. $12.00
QTZPLANT114-Quartz crystal 1 1/4 inch stone with organic plant inclusion. $21.00
LABRADORITE134PO-Labradorite 1 3/4 polished. $9.00.
PEACOCKORE134-Peacock ore 1 3/4 inch. $6.00
QUARTZHEMA178-Quartz hematite cluster 1 7/8 inch. $15.00
GARNETTOWER314-Garnet tower 3 1/4 inch. $24.00